Rory B.


Rory B.

Rory is an award-nominated voice artist, working with clients all over the world. His voice has a natural clarity and he can be authoritative and friendly.

Type Of Voice Artist


Rory is versatile with an innate instinct for lifting characters off the page. What’s more, he has a magical ability to always make himself available- even at short notice! – Ally Lang – Station Sound Producer, BBC Radio 2.

You’re a Pro – And you cracked it first time! – Claire Evans – Producer, Koala TV

Serious Slick – Effortless and so flexible. – Guy Michaels, Voiceover Kickstart

Similar Talent

  • Gardening Presenter
  • British Landscape/History
  • Known For: Ground Force
  • Genuine Warm Yorkshire Accent
  • Rp
  • Voice Age: 6-8
  • Pro Homestudio
  • Child License On Request


  • Dutch, US, African (Swahili)
  • 20’s/30’s
  • Studio Location: UK
  • Smooth, Conversational, Upbeat
  • NeutralRp. MidAtlantic
  • 30’s/40’s
  • Studio Location: USA
  • Elegant, Assured, Engaging