Jonathan C.

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Jonathan C.

With the volume already turned up to eleven, Jonathan is a leading sports commentator and a popular ‘Voice of God’ (ie Live Announcer).

He has voiced many campaigns nationally, internationally, and globally for some of the biggest brands on the planet. He has also been the live voice of some of Britain’s best-loved TV shows, including ITV’s ‘Saturday Night Takeaway’, ‘I’m a Celebrity…’ and ‘Text Santa.’

Call +44 1753 439 289 or email us at Great British Voices to book Sports Commentator and Voiceover Artist Jonathan for your next project.

Type Of Voice Artist


“You did a fabulous job at The FMBE awards Jonathan. Thank you.”  – Samantha Tasker-Robbins FMBE Awards


Similar Talent

  • NeutralRp
  • 40’s/50’s
  • Studio Location: UK
  • Characterful, Adaptable, Neutral
  • BOYS – Voice Ages: 8-12
  • British Accents / + BAME
  • Professionally Directed
  • UK Based Studio w/ Dial-In
  • Via our Partner Studio
  • Lifestyle Presenter
  • Mental Health / Diet Culture
  • Known For: Secret Eaters
  • Accent: Midlands/Rp
  • Radio/Tv Presenter
  • Has Homestudio
  • Known For: Capital XTRA
  • British RP/London Accent