Brexit – solution vs. the problem; focused thinking with John Hotowka – Part 5/ 5

28th May 2018

John Hotowka solution focused expert speaker at Great British Speakers

When we’re faced with change and uncertainty, how we look at those issues directly relates to the outcome we get.

Whether Brexit or other uncertainties, Great British Speakers #1 Achievement Thinking expert speaker JOHN HOTOWKA has some key tips on positive thinking.

In his latest VLOG, he talks about viewing situations from either a solution or problem-based perspective and gives some examples. It may seem like common sense, but looking at a problem from a solution-based perspective will always achieve a better outcome – So why do we not always do that?

This is 5/ 5 of John’s series of VLOG’s.

To hear him inspire and motivate your team call Jane at Great British Speakers on 01753 439 289

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