Emily B.

Emily has a bright, engaging, and soft-sell voice, perfect for a wide range of projects, particularly light entertainment, children’s programming, animation, and gaming. As a voice actor, she brings an upbeat, warm, and resonant quality to her performances.

Located in Hampshire, Emily is a trained actress with a naturally RP voice softened by a subtle estuary accent. Her versatile vocal range makes her easy to direct, and her strong ear for accents allows her to cover various dialects convincingly. She typically voices characters in their mid-20s to mid-30s.

To hire young female voice actor Emily B. contact the team at Great British Voices or call +44 1753 439 289

Type Of Voice Artist


” I was blown away by the fact that Emily sounded exactly like Mandip – I did a double take when listening. I don’t think I could ever tell the difference, amazing” (Voicing Mandip Gill, who plays Yaz in Dr Who Series)” – Dr Who fan, from Who Corner to Corner Podcast.

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  • Sincere, Authentic, Characterful
  • NeutralRp. American
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  • Engaging, Reassuring and Genuine