Jo Frost

Revered global parenting expert, best-selling author and television personality; Jo Frost has been a staple on our television screens. As a host and executive producer, Jo has starred  in a variety of her own  shows including ‘Supernanny’, ‘Family Matters’, ‘ Family SOS’, ‘Extreme Parental Guidance’, Jo Frost: Nanny on Tour and  ‘Jo Frost on Britain’s Killer Kids.’

Jo’s direct yet caring style of teaching has helped millions of families around the world to achieve their desired results, as the most recognisable and trusted parental expert and family advocate worldwide as she has spent more than two decades executing professional and highly-effective tools and advice that are televised to (and read by) millions of families around the world.

Contact Great British Speakers today to book Supernanny, family & parenting speaker Jo Frost for your next event.

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  • Bright, Clear, Conversational
  • American
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  • Upbeat, Warm, Natural