Chris Henry

Chris Henry has worked at the highest level of professional sport as a mental coach for over a decade.

The innovative neural science-based techniques and principles he has developed and utilises have enabled the current success of people like Lee Westwood, Jimmy White, Shaun Murphy, Rafa Cabrera- Bello and Joost Luiten and are also much in demand in the corporate and business world.

Chris teaches modern psychology and philosophy in a straightforward and understandable format. He has spent the last 15 years studying, teaching and delivering speeches on goal setting, neuroscience, neural conditioning, visualisation and the SCORE system which promotes peak performance to clients like MasterCard, The First Group and other class-leading companies around the world.

Contact Great British Speakers today to book high performance coach and speaker Chris Henry for your next motivational corporate event, after dinner talk or call +44 1753 439289.

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